Ceteris paribus (lat. „jsou-li ostatní stejné“) znamená podmínku (nebo předpoklad), že se při zkoumání vlivu nějakého parametru (proměnné) na výsledek ostatní parametry nezmění. Může také znamenat předpoklad, za něhož odhadujeme vývoj nějaké veličiny (tj. její závislost na čase, případně na jiné veličině).


Ceteris paribus or caeteris paribus is a Latin phrase, literally translated as \with other things the same," or \all other things being equal or held constant." It is commonly rendered in English as \all other things being equal." A prediction, or a statement about causal or logical connections between two

„jsou-li ostatní stejné“) znamená podmínku (nebo předpoklad), že se při zkoumání vlivu nějakého parametru (proměnné) na výsledek ostatní parametry nezmění. Může také znamenat předpoklad, za něhož odhadujeme vývoj nějaké veličiny (tj. její závislost na čase, případně na jiné veličině). Ceteris Paribus turned 10! (4 months ago) Recently, Warren Mayer of Coyoteblog , one of my favorite blogs that is still active, posted about the 10-year anniversary of his blog, which he had forgotten about. Ceteris paribus (z lat.

Cetris paribus

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oder cet. par.. Die Ceteris paribus-Klausel oder -Annahme kommt bei der Analyse von Systemen zum Einsatz. De senaste tweetarna från @ceterispar1bus A ceteris paribus elv (latin; nagyjából: „a többi változatlanul hagyásával”) lényege, hogy a komplex, egymással kölcsönhatásban álló viszonyok elemzése során csak egyetlen tényező megváltoztatásával elemezzük a jelenségeket. 즉, ceteris paribus는 경제학의 분석방법의 가장 기본이 되는 원칙이자 가정이다. 덕분에 경제학의 연구 대상을 간단한 함수식과 그래프로 표현하며 분석할 수 있게 되었고, 변수들을 조금씩 바꾸어가며 확장하면서 경제 내의 모든 시장의 균형을 하나의 평면에 분석하는 파레토 균형이나 일반균형분석 같은 가능해졌다.

Abgekürzt wir der lateinische Ausdruck in der Regel mit c.

IZA DP No. 1185: Exporting Firms Do Not Pay Higher Wages, Ceteris Paribus. First Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data. Thorsten Schank, Claus 

Ceteris paribus is a Latin phrase meaning ' with other things that are same' or 'other things being equal or  Richard Brumberg; Ceteris Paribus for Supply Curves, The Economic Journal, Volume 63, Issue 250, 1 June 1953, Pages 462–467,  Ceteris paribus (раніше відомий як "caeteris paribus") - це латинський вираз, який іспанською мовою можна перекласти як "все інше постійне". Ceteris  Latin for 'all other things being equal', ceteris paribus is an important term used in economic modelling and theory. Find out more here.

Cetris paribus

Ceteris Paribus This operational description intentionally ignores both known and unknown factors that may also influence the relationship between price and quantity demanded, and thus to assume ceteris paribus is to assume away any interference with the given example. Such factors that would be intentionally ignored include: the relative change in price of substitute goods, (e.g., the price

Cetris paribus

Dessa maneira, o Ceteris Paribus se torna um conceito bastante importante, pois alguns estudos que contém uma infinidade bastante grande de variáveis podem ser simplificados. Ceteris paribus lässt sich sinngemäß mit „unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen“ ins Deutsche übertragen.

At a minimum, the hope is to deepen the  Retrospectives: Ceteris Paribus by Joseph Persky. Published in volume 4, issue 2, pages 187-193 of Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1990, Abstract:  15 Mar 2021 James Buchanan, Nobel Laureate in 1986 was an American economist who started as public finance scholar, who established the field of public  CETERIS PARIBUS: SOME NOTES ON METHODOLOGY*. JAMES M. BUCHANAN.
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Det är ett exempel på en ablativ absolut som används bland annat inom nationalekonomi och syftar på vikten av att isolera en enskild variabel inom en ekonomisk modell som omfattar flera variabler.
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Ceteris paribus is important in economics as it helps us develop some form of understanding of economic mechanisms. In other words, it allows us to form a basic understanding and principle by which we can build on. One of the classic examples of ceteris paribus is the supply and demand curve. As prices increase (ceteris paribus), demand falls.

In essence, a CP profile shows the dependence of the conditional expectation of the dependent variable (response) on the values of the particular explanatory variable. El habla vulgar también hace uso implícito del método, siendo un ejemplo el uso de condicionales, como en la oración «Si se aprieta el gatillo de una pistola cargada con pólvora y bala, se dispara la pistola»: si la pólvora estuviera mojada, entonces la pistola no dispararía, por lo que la oración debe entenderse ceteris paribus, es decir, cumpliéndose todos los demás requisitos Ceteris paribus – higher prices of coffee should encourage growers to try and increase the supply of coffee. Importance of ceteris paribus. In the real world, it is very hard to isolate only one factor. For example, if we look at exchange rates, we would expect higher interest rates (ceteris paribus) to cause an appreciation in the currency. Join Maria Bach for an interview with Kapil Raj about his approach in the history of science. Dr. Raj is Professor of the History of Science at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (The School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) in Paris.